04 February, 2022 11:26 AM featured_programme

ASEAN Cybersecurity Skilling Programme

ASEAN Cybersecurity Skilling Programme (ASEAN CSP) is a programme under the ASEAN Foundation’s partnership with Microsoft that aims to raise awareness on cybersecurity issues in ASEAN, to help ASEAN Community to become literate on cybersecurity, and to eventually combat cybercrimes in the region through the human resources development. 

This regional initiative will empower educators, non-profit trainers, government officials and youth across ASEAN through training to prepare them to deliver cybersecurity knowledge and information to 30,000 end beneficiaries across ASEAN. This programme will also create an inclusive platform in different ASEAN languages to further promote cybersecurity awareness and provide accessible e-learning platform. 

ASEAN CSP is set to implement the following key activities: 

  1. Baseline Survey: The programme will conduct a survey and a series of FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and roundtable discussions on issues around cybersecurity to raise awareness and identify best practices to prevent and respond to online threats. 

  2. Training of Trainer (ToT) on Cybersecurity Workshops: A total of 14 Training of Trainers workshops will be organised for 560 trainers across ASEAN using the toolkit/module supported by Microsoft and other trusted sources. 

  3. Localised Cybersecurity Courses For Local Communities: Trainers who have joined the Training of Trainer Workshop will be encouraged to deliver a workshop online/offline at the local level. 

Are you interested in being involved in this programme? Or do you have further questions? Contact us by filling in our Interest Form (click here). We'd love to know more about you!

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