Terms of Reference
The ASEAN Foundation Model ASEAN Meeting or AFMAM is the ASEAN Foundation flagship programme to raise ASEAN awareness and promote greater ownership of the ASEAN Community amongst the young people throughout the region. It is designed to promote interest in ASEAN diplomacy by getting participants to know how decision making is conducted at the ASEAN level through authentic simulation exercises. It also intends to promote regional friendship and develop the participants’ skills in negotiation, public speaking, consensus building.
The ASEAN Foundation has been organising the AFMAM for the past five years. The First AFMAM 2015 was organised in Selangor, Malaysia, in November 2015. The 2nd AFMAM 2017 was held in Vientiane, Lao PDR, in October 2016. The 3rd AFMAM 2017 was conducted in Manila, the Philippines, in September 2017. The 4th AFMAM 2018 was done in Singapore in July 2018. The 5th AFMAM 2019 was implemented in Bangkok, Thailand, in July 2019. The ASEAN Foundation is preparing the 6th AFMAM 2020 to be convened through virtual meetings from 4 – 7 September 2020. For the second time, the AFMAM will implement the “ASEAN Plus” mechanism in the simulation whereby the 6th AFMAM 2019 will involve the simulation of the ASEAN Plus One Summit.
Each AFMAM brings own specific thematic focus. The 6th AFMAM 2020 will focus on issues which are in line with the tagline of the ASEAN Chairmanship of Viet Nam “Cohesive and Responsive ASEAN”. This year’s AFMAM also will raise and discuss the thematic focus of “The Role of ASEAN Youths in Promoting Networking and Cooperation to Build a Clean and Green ASEAN Community through Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Protection of the Environment.”
The AFMAM has been a platform for the young people to learn about ASEAN affairs in a fun and educative way. It is done through simulation exercises of major ASEAN meetings, involving simulation of Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) up to ASEAN Summit levels, which will provide intimate understanding of the ASEAN decision-making processes and mechanisms.
During the 6th AFMAM 2020, the selected participating delegates will be assigned to role-play ASEAN high-level officials of one Member State other than their own. They will gain an understanding of the decision-making processes in ASEAN as they simulate different ASEAN meetings. They will also obtain a broad perspective and comprehension of ASEAN through expert lectures and coaching sessions/workshops. Guided by the Model ASEAN Meeting Guidebook developed by the ASEAN Foundation in 2015 and subsequently improved in 2020 as well as through online preparation and briefings and rehearsals, the participants will have the opportunity to simulate relevant ASEAN meetings in a realistic setting. At the same time, they will have the opportunity to improve their research and other soft skills such as in public speaking, team work, and leadership as they go through a series of meetings throughout the six-day programme. To start, participants will carry out research for their country papers and then bring this information to bear during the various simulation exercises.
Target participants are students of tertiary education institution taking diploma or undergraduate studies and faculty advisors from the ten ASEAN Member States and Australia. Over the span of three and a half years since 2015, the AFMAM has reached out over 1,000 students, teachers, and faculty members.
The ASEAN Foundation is now calling for proposals to help with the organisation of the 6th AFMAM 2020:
- To consult on the programme design and development, with the addition of a third track for ASEAN + 1 Summit.
- To develop materials and documents for participating delegates before and during the 6thAFMAM 2020.
- To develop the curriculum for the online workshop sessions and to deliver the sessions for delegates and advisors.
- To develop the material for the online workshop sessions and to deliver the sessions during the 6thAFMAM 2020.
- To be a resource person during the 6th AFMAM 2020.
- To compile and submit a final report.
The AFMAM has served as an effective tool and one of learning strategies for students to learn about ASEAN affairs and ASEAN diplomacy. Some of its alumni have gone back to their countries and organised their own national/university level Model ASEAN Meetings. It also sparks interest on the ASEAN external partners to organise their Model ASEAN Meetings to promote ASEAN.
To retain the interests of the audience in the AFMAM, it is deemed necessary to continue to improve the substance and content of the AFMAM to meet the current needs and keep it up to date. It is also important to continue to encourage the learning of ASEAN across the region and among the ASEAN external partners using the AFMAM approach.
This consultation service aims at engaging an experienced professional, whether as individual or through a firm/company, who is expected to contribute to the implementation of the 6th AFMAM 2020 through virtual meetings from 4 – 7 September 2020 by developing materials, providing workshops to the 6th AFMAM 2020 participants, and serving as a resource person to support the simulation sessions in the 6th AFMAM 2020 in September 2020.
The consultancy service will entail the following tasks and responsibilities:
Material development for the 6th AFMAM 2020
- 6th AFMAM 2020 programme design
- Topic guides based on the themes of the 6th AFMAM 2020
- Templates for position and strategy papers
Development of four (4) online workshops including the materials, each session at up to two (2) hours, for the 6thAFMAM 2020 covering the following topics:
- Introduction to AFMAM and theme of the 6thAFMAM 2020
- Pre-conference tasks, i. e. position and strategy paper preparation
- Role of the Team Advisors
- Feedback session on position and strategy papers
Development of materials for the online workshops of the 6thAFMAM 2020
- Delivery of the online workshops and coaching during the 6thAFMAM 2020
- Final Report submission, capturing the whole report of the tasks and responsibilities, including listing down the deliverables achieved, the challenges faced, the lessons learnt, recommendations for future AFMAM.
- Programme design.
- Topic guides based on the AFMAM theme.
- Templates for the participants’ working papers.
- Four (4) online preparatory workshops, including the workshop materials, covering introduction to AFMAM and its theme, role of Team Advisors, paper finalisation.
- Materials for the online workshops.
- Participation during the 6thAFMAM 2020 meeting, workshop, and coaching as AFMAM coach consultant.
- Final Report.
The selected consultant shall undertake the assignment described above within the period of July – November 2020 with the timeframe indicated below.
The Consultant will work under the overall guidance of the ASEAN Foundation Executive Director supervised by the officer-in-charge of the AFMAM during the assignment period.
A quotation/financial proposal is required responding to the required needs. Payment of service will be linked to deliverables.
- At least three (3) years of experience in organising and/or coaching model intergovernmental conferences, such as Model United Nations, Model ASEAN Meeting, regionally and at least five (5) years nationally.
- Experience in developing manuals and guidebooks for youth/students.
- Familiarity with training methodologies and training.
- Familiarity with Model ASEAN Meeting simulation.
- Familiarity with ASEAN meetings, processes, mechanisms.
- Excellent presentation and communication skills.
- Have undergone an undergraduate education or final year in law, social sciences, or humanities.
All interested applicants are to send application, stating the position with the following documents to [email protected], cc: [email protected] :
- Application letter;
- Profile of the applicant specifying the experiences/past works and qualifications corresponding to the requirements this position is seeking;
- Financial proposal.
23 July 2020
Timeline for Consultant |
Assignments |
July 2020 |
Aug 2020 |
Sept 2020 |
Oct 2020 |
Nov2020 |
I |
II |
IV |
I |
II |
IV |
I |
II |
IV |
I |
II |
IV |
I |
II |
IV |
1. Document Development for the 6th AFMAM 2020 |
- 6th AFMAM 2020 programme design |
V |
- Topic guides based on the themes of the 6th AFMAM 2020 |
V |
- Templates for position and strategy papers |
V |
2. Development of four (4) online workshop sessions including the materials, each session at up two (2) hours for the 6th AFMAM 2020 covering the following topics |
- Introduction to AFMAM and theme of the 6th AFMAM 2020 |
V |
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- Pre-conference tasks, i.e. position and strategy paper preparation |
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- Role of the Team Advisors |
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- Feedback session on position and strategy papers |
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3. Development of materials for the online workshops of the 6th AFMAM 2020 |
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4. Delivery of the online workshops and coaching during the 6th AFMAM 2020 |
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5. Final Report |
- Final report submission, capturing the whole report of the tasks and responsibilities, including listing down the deliverables achieved, the challenges faced, the lesson learnt, recommendations for future AFMAM |
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