Media Engagement Consultant for Regional Workshop of ASEAN Social Enterprise Development Programme 2.0



Three decades after ASEAN was established, ASEAN leaders recognised that: there remained inadequate shared prosperity, ASEAN awareness and contact among people of ASEAN. It was of this concern that ASEAN leaders established the ASEAN Foundation during ASEAN’s 30th Anniversary Summit in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia on 15 December 1997. The ASEAN Foundation is an organisation from and for the people of ASEAN and exists because of one vision: to build a cohesive and prosperous ASEAN Community. As an ASEAN’s body, the Foundation is tasked to support ASEAN mainly in promoting awareness, identity, interaction and development of the people of ASEAN. For more information, visit:

Building on the success of Phase 1 of the ASEAN Social Enterprise Development Programme (SEDP) in 2021, the ASEAN Foundation, with support from TikTok and SAP, is launching ASEAN SEDP 2.0 in 2023. The goal is to empower social enterprises across the ASEAN region by promoting productivity, technology, and innovation, increasing access to finance, enhancing market access and internationalisation, and fostering entrepreneurship and human capital development. Twenty social enterprises from early to growth stages across 10 ASEAN countries have been selected after a rigorous selection process from a pool of 145 applicants.

As a culmination in the journey of the 20 social enterprises, the ASEAN Foundation will be organising the Regional Workshop of ASEAN SEDP 2.0 in Singapore from 17-20 October 2023. This Regional Workshop will include a Demo Day and Business Matchmaking, connecting social entrepreneurs with potential investors, including venture capitals and angel investors. Top-performing social enterprises will have the opportunity to secure seed grants of up to 30,000 USD.

Held in conjunction with the 16th ASEAN Coordinating Committee on MSMEs (ACCMSME), the ASEAN SEDP 2.0 Regional Workshop will also feature Roundtable Discussions and Networking Dinners with ACCMSME delegates. These events will provide a platform for the ASEAN Foundation to present programme updates and for social enterprises to establish relationships with ACCMSME officials. This engagement can serve as a pathway to express their aspirations in policymaking and showcase their impacts to ASEAN policymakers.

To ensure that the Regional Workshop receives good coverage from the media in Indonesia and Singapore, the ASEAN Foundation is looking to hire a proficient media engagement consultant.



In collaboration with the Project Coordinator and Communications Consultant for ASEAN SEDP 2.0, and under the guidance of the Head of Communications of ASEAN Foundation, the Consultant is expected to carry out the following assignments:

  • Develop one press release in Bahasa Indonesia and one press release in English, highlighting the welcoming session, regional training, roundtable discussion, demo day, and business matchmaking, ASEAN SEDP 2.0’s key information, its importance for the empowerment of social enterprises in ASEAN, and the regional partnership between ASEAN Foundation, TikTok, and SAP. The press release will include, among other things, quotes from the three organizations and photos of the event.
  • Disseminate the press release to media outlets focused on Indonesia and Singapore.





  • At least 20 media coverages in tier 1 online and print media from Indonesia generated
  • At least 10 media coverages in tier 1 online and print media from Singapore generated



  • 1 press release in Bahasa Indonesia and 1 press release in English
  • 1 list of media outlets from Indonesia and Singapore interested in covering the event
  • 1 live coverage report
  • 1 post-event media monitoring report covering relevant data




The consultancy will run from 2 October to 15 November 2023, with all deliverables receiving approval from the ASEAN Foundation.




Brainstorming with ASEAN Foundation

 2 October 2023

Developing Press Release

3-5 October 2023 

Review by ASEAN Foundation & Partner

6-12 October 2023

Adjustment of the press release and translation

13-15 October 2023

Final Draft Review

16-17 October 2023

Press Release Dissemination

20 October 2023

Monitoring the Media Coverage

20 October-10 November 2023

Final Report Submission

13-15 November 2023





All information pertaining to this project belonging to the ASEAN Foundation, which the consultant may come into contact within the performance of his/her duties under this assignment, shall remain the property of the ASEAN Foundation, which shall have exclusive rights over its use. Except for this assignment, the information shall not be disclosed to the public nor used in any way without the written permission of the ASEAN Foundation, in line with the national and International Copyright Laws applicable.




  • A professional PR Agency/consultant
  • Preferably has experience in working/engaging with ASEAN entities
  • Has excellent media networks in Indonesia or in Singapore
  • Has good knowledge of social entrepreneurship and public-private partnerships
  • Possesses flexibility in accommodating last-minute changes and requests from the client
  • Able to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines without affecting the quality of the work results



Please send an application which consists of:

  • Company profile or consultant profile and a sample of work/portfolio.
  • Quotation (a lump sum financial quote in US Dollars that includes all expected costs for the consultancy period). We suggest the PR agency/consultant apply only to focus on 1 country, either for Indonesia only or Singapore only.

Please submit the necessary application documents by 29th September 2023 with the email subject “ASEAN SEDP 2.0 Media Engagement Consultant” to [email protected] and cc to [email protected] and [email protected]


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