Request For Quotation: Hotel in Bangkok for Regional Orientation Workshop of the eMpowering Youths Across ASEAN: Cohort 3


Three decades after ASEAN was established, ASEAN Leaders recognised that there remained inadequate shared of prosperity, ASEAN awareness and contact among people of ASEAN.  It was of this concern that ASEAN Leaders established the ASEAN Foundation during ASEAN's 30th Anniversary Commemorative Summit in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia on 15 December 1997.

After its establishment, the ASEAN Foundation has been tasked to support ASEAN's community building efforts by promoting greater awareness of the ASEAN identity, human resource development, people-to-people interaction and close collaboration among the business sector, civil society, academia and other stakeholders in ASEAN.  We continue to complement ASEAN priorities and we continuously work hard to strengthen the ASEAN Community.

The eMpowering Youth Across ASEAN (EYAA)—launched in conjunction with the ASEAN Day on 8 August 2018—is a collaborative programme by the ASEAN Foundation and Maybank Foundation dedicated to empowering youth and communities across the region. The programme provides an experiential and educative learning platform for youth through social volunteerism. They collaborate with people from diverse backgrounds to implement their ideas and advocate solutions to grounded issues in local communities across ASEAN. They delve into an impactful journey to make a tangible, meaningful change among target communities in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

Therefore, ASEAN Foundation is seeking quotations to support the Regional Orientation Workshop as below details;


RFQ No. 



Issue Date

22 February 2023



Hotel and Meeting Packages


Email Address for Submission of Quotes

[email protected]


Closing Date and Time for Receipt of Quotes

3 March 2023 by 05.00 PM Jakarta Time


Questions Regarding the Request for Quotes

All communications regarding this request are to be made solely through email no later than 1 March 2023 by 05.00 PM.


Contact Person

Ms. Mery Sinaga & Ms. Aulia Ramadhina


Anticipated Award Type

Fixed Price Purchase Order 

Issuance of this quote in no way obligates ASEAN Foundation to award a subcontract or purchase order and offerors will not be reimbursed for any costs associated with the preparation of their quotation.


Basis for Award

An award will be made to the responsible offeror whose offer is responsive to the request and is most advantageous to ASEAN Foundation, considering price or/and other factors. No discussions or negotiations are permitted with offerors, and therefore offerors shall submit their best and final price.


General Instructions to Bidders

· Offerors shall submit quotes through e-mail to [email protected]

· Offerors shall confirm in writing that the offeror fully understands that their quotes must be valid for a period of 6 months by signing Attachment A

·  Value Added Tax (VAT) shall be included, and offeror is responsible for any taxes that might be levied on payments.



· Minimum five years of experience in hospitality service

· Has a company profile / portfolio and possess all permits, licenses, and professional credentials


Term of Payment

· The payment will be paid based on our assignment or Purchase Order during the period of the agreement. 

· 100% Payment will be transferred a maximum of fourteen (14) working days after satisfactory receipt of all services and upon submission the original invoice and other supporting documents.


Goods/Service Specification and Price

Offerors should send their quotes by fill/modify the attachment A.

Kindly find the Terms of reference of the event here and the service specification and price here.


Please send application consist of RFQ and Company Profile to [email protected] and cc to [email protected] and [email protected] before 27 January 

Need to be submitted by 27 January 2023 with email subject “RFQ Hotel - EYAA Regional Workshop” to [email protected] and cc to [email protected] and [email protected]

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