15 June, 2022 12:07 PM

The 7th ASEAN Foundation Model ASEAN Meeting is Open for Applications!

The 7th AFMAM 2022 promises an authentic experience to understand ASEAN affairs and to improve essential skills and knowledge, particularly on global awareness, cross-cultural skills, critical and inventive thinking, negotiation, public speaking, consensus-building as well as leadership.

Application Deadline: 24 July 2022 

Submit Applications through: bit.ly/ApplyAFMAM2022

Send Inquiries to: [email protected]  



The ASEAN Foundation is pleased to organise the Seventh ASEAN Foundation Model ASEAN Meeting 2022 (7th AFMAM 2022). 7th AFMAM 2022 targets tertiary education students from across ASEAN to understand diplomacy as well as decision-making of ASEAN Member States in addressing regional issues through various high-level ASEAN meeting simulations.  

The ASEAN Foundation inaugurated the AFMAM in 2015, held in conjunction with the 27th ASEAN Summit in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Since then, he ASEAN Foundation has been implementing the AFMAM in five other iterations, in Lao PDR, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam. The 6th AFMAM 2020 was conducted virtually due to the impacts of COVID-19, so as the upcoming 7th AFMAM 2022 that will follow virtual conference arrangements. 

Each AFMAM brings its own specific thematic focus. In accordance with the rotating ASEAN Chairmanship, the 7th AFMAM 2022 is bringing up the theme of Cambodia’s Chairmanship: ASEAN A.C.T.: Addressing Challenges Together 


The 7th AFMAM 2022 promises an authentic experience to understand ASEAN affairs and to improve essential skills and knowledge, particularly on global awareness, cross-cultural skills, critical and inventive thinking, negotiation, public speaking, consensus-building as well as leadership. It is also an interactive process where YOU, the delegates, will role-play as high-level ASEAN official and partake in a series of ASEAN and ASEAN Plus meetings.  

Take a snapshot peek of the previous events in 2015, 2016, 2017,2018, 2019, and 2020! 

Process and Timeline 

The 7th AFMAM 2022 will be running from 17 to 18 September 2022 and 24 to 25 September 2022 virtually. Other important dates are: 


15 June 2022 

Call for Applications 

24 July 2022 

Deadline of Application Submission 

25 July – 5 August 2022 

Applications Assessment and Selection 

15 – 19 August 2022 

Announcement of Application Results 

*20 & 27 August 2022 

Online Trainings  

10 September 2022 

Submission of Position Paper 

17 – 18 September 2022 

24 - 25 September 2022 


7th AFMAM 

*Tentative Dates 

Eligibility and Qualifications 

Interested ASEAN tertiary education students would have to follow the eligibility requirements as listed below and register by submitting application documents. Tertiary education students of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply! 

The following qualifications are eligible to apply: 


  • Enrolled as a student of tertiary education institution taking diploma or undergraduate studies (or equivalent level) from any disciplines at education institutions in the ASEAN Member States when the programme takes place. 
  • Between 18 and 23 years of age when the programme takes place. 
  • English proficient, verbal and written. 

Required Documents (for your convenience, we strongly suggest that you have all the following information and documents ready at hand before starting data entry): 

  • Personal data 
  • Valid National Identification Card or Passport in soft copy (PDF format, does not exceed 500 KB) 
  • Full face photo in soft copy (JPG or JPEG format, does not exceed 500 KB) 
  • Letter of Statement (i.e., Letter of Enrolment/Student Status Letter) from respective department/faculty/university/education institution ensuring active enrolment (please ensure that your file is in PDF format and does not exceed 500 KBs). This is written in free format on letterhead paper signed by an authorised official of your institution verifying the following:
    1. Name 
    2. Faculty and Department 
    3. Year of Enrolment 
    4. Active student status 
  • List of five most noteworthy personal achievements of each applicant (please share not more than 5 achievements briefly and concisely, do not write a CV!) 
  • Three short answers that address the following questions in no more than 150 words per question. 
    1. What is ASEAN to you? How do you think ASEAN have an impact on the countries and/or citizens in Southeast Asia? 
    2. What is one important regional issue in Southeast Asia that you think needs to be addressed at the ASEAN level? What are some solutions that you would propose to resolve this issue? 
    3. Why do you want to join this year’s AFMAM? What are some key takeaways that you aim to get from this experience? 

Please rename every document using the format: Country (ISO 3-Digit Alphabetic Codes)-Name-Document Name (e.g. IDN-Priskila-Passport). Before completing the form, firstly put all your files (be mindful of the required specifications!) in one folder for easy access.  

Benefits of the Programme  

  • The programme will be fully paid for by the organisers. 
  • Enables you to understand ASEAN diplomacy and how decision-makers of the ASEAN Member States address regional issues by involving in the authentic simulation exercises.  
  • Provides you an opportunity to improve essential skills and knowledge, particularly on global awareness, cross-cultural skills, critical and inventive thinking, negotiation, public speaking, consensus-building as well as leadership.  
  • An exciting and unforgettable lifetime experience with us and your peers from other ASEAN Member States. 
  • A network of young leaders from across the ASEAN region. 

How to Apply  

All interested students are required to apply to the programme by completing the application form on the following link by 24 July 2022: bit.ly/ApplyAFMAM2022 

Incomplete completion of the form will not be further processed for shortlisting. Don’t let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of becoming a cadre of future ASEAN young leaders! 

For inquiries, please contact [email protected]


*****Only successful applicants will be notified***** 

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