Website Development Consultant for Bridges to the Future: ASEAN Youth Employment Programme’s Online Job Information Centre

Terms of Reference


Three decades after ASEAN was established, ASEAN leaders recognised that: there remained inadequate shared prosperity, ASEAN awareness and contact among the people of ASEAN. It was of this concern that ASEAN leaders established ASEAN Foundation in Jakarta, Indonesia, at ASEAN’s 30th Anniversary Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 15 December 1997.

The ASEAN Foundation is an organisation from and for the people of ASEAN. The Foundation exists because of one vision: to build a cohesive and prosperous ASEAN Community. As an ASEAN body, the Foundation is tasked to support ASEAN mainly in promoting awareness, identity, interaction, and development of the people of ASEAN.

In 2020, the ASEAN Foundation has launched a new programme called Bridges to the Future: ASEAN Youth Employment in collaboration with Plan International and with the support of, which aims to support ASEAN youth in not only acquiring the necessary 21st century skills to (re)enter the workforce, but also building a more sustainable and secure economy post-pandemic.

The programme, which will run until July 2022, will become a host to market-driven vocational trainings and job-matching sessions that targets vulnerable young people in the region. Additionally, a regionwide research on current employment and labour market trends in the ASEAN region is currently on-going, covering topics such as skills that are currently most needed by the industries and existing barriers that creates difficulties for young people to secure a decent job.

One of the key deliverables of the programme is an online job information centre, which will be developed to help youth in the region find employments that fit their skill sets. In order to build an online platform that is inclusive, youth-friendly and secured, a qualified consultant with extensive experience in developing e-learning platforms is needed.


As an important milestone for the Bridges to the Future: ASEAN Youth Employment, the ASEAN Foundation will develop an online job information centre that aims to provide greater access for youth to employment opportunities in their countries and across the region. Additionally, the platform will also become a hub for capacity building opportunities and provide space for ASEAN youth to tell their career journey through stories and testimonies.

With that in mind, the ASEAN Foundation is seeking the services of a qualified individual or a firm with an excellent track record in developing an integrated online platform that is inclusive, gender responsive, user-friendly and secured. The design of the online platform will also consider the branding guidelines of the ASEAN Foundation, Plan International and


Under the supervision of the Head of Communications of the ASEAN Foundation the Consultant will work closely together with the Communications of the Bridges to the Future: ASEAN Youth Employment to undertake the following assignments:

  1. Design the website interface and interactivity
  2. Develop information structure and online-based learning journeys for the website
  3. Provide at least three design recommendations that are best fit for the website and comply to the branding guideline of the ASEAN Foundation, Plan International and
  4. Create visual elements that are inclusive and gender responsive
  5. Ensure the performance, quality and responsiveness of platform
  6. Identify and fix bottlenecks and bugs
  7. Integrate effective search and aggregate function that interact with social media platforms
  8. Provide 12-month warranty of performance and troubleshooting for the website design after being launched that covers any kind of errors caused by client use or system failures including appearance/interface error
  9. Provide training to the staffs who are going to be in charge in website maintenance after 12-month warranty

The website should also include the following features:

  • Responsive, interactive website layout design with visitor friendly features
  • In-site search field displayed across all pages
  • Compatibility with PC Windows/Mac, mobile devices iOS/Android and tablets internet browser


The consultant is expected to come up with the following deliverables along with their specified timelines:

No Outputs Timeline Remarks
1 Work plan of the platform development 22 November 2021 Revisions might be required. Next progress will start after the work plan is approved.
2 Proposals of visual mood, site structure and information flow of the website 29 November 2021 Revisions might be required. Next progress will start after the work plan is approved. Visual mood must abide to branding guidelines of all relevant organisations.
3 First draft of the website 29 November – 31 January 2022

During this period, the consultant is expected to maintain and enhances of information, visual and information design, content creation, ensure the performance, quality and

responsiveness of platform and identify and correct bottlenecks and fix bugs.

4 Second draft of website 11 February 2022 Final report related to web development and the process, including the traffic of the platform.
5 Final draft of the website 18 February 2022 The consultant is expected to provide the ASEAN Foundation with the final design of the website containing all features that are required of based on the concept given by the ASEAN Foundation.
6 Performance report of the website February 2022 – Januari 2023 Report related performance-related issues that need to be improved


This consultancy will be done remotely. The duration of the consultancy is from 22 November 2021 to 31 January 2023.


All information pertaining to this assignment belong to the ASEAN Foundation. Meanwhile, duties under this assignment shall remain the property of the ASEAN Foundation, Plan International and who shall have exclusive rights over their use. Except for purposes of this assignment, the information shall not be disclosed to the public nor used in whatever without written permission of the ASEAN Foundation in line with the national and International Copyright Laws applicable.


The consultant should have:

  • Working experience with philanthropies’ programmes
  • Strong expertise in training digital skills especially computer science for adults/youths both in-person and online training
  • Proven experience in web development, design, and support in the international development sector
  • Strong experience in developing well-known and widely used open-source platforms, especially WordPress
  • Knowledge and strong track records in website design including interface and navigation
  • Experience at regional/international level is preferrable


The interested consultant is required to submit a CV/profile outlining relevant experience (portfolio) and proposed fee to [email protected], copying [email protected] by 14 November 2021.


All inquiries pertaining to this application is addressed to [email protected].

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